Sears has apparently lost the new washer I ordered last week and has to order…
News and Notes
Fortcon was awesome. 50-55 people showed and as far as I can tell everyone had…
Rock Band Supplemental 11-20-2007
9:00 PM. Wow Barry can't sing. Will update later. - Basil 9:04 PM. It's fun…
Top 5 Video games huh…
So two guys on my ye o' flist have posted their top 5 video games...…
Egads another update!?
Yeah, another update in less than a month WTH me?! Well I might as well…
Hey wow!
This Xposting thingie actually works!
This is a test
I'm switching over to Wordpress as my main website, so that's how I'll be blogging…
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!