So two guys on my ye o’ flist have posted their top 5 video games… Man, I wish I could do that. I’ve played and enjoyed so many over the years that I really don’t know if I could ever parse it down to only five. Wow. But what they hey I’ll give it a shot, though in generalities and also in bullet point form. Since narrowing it down to 5 at all is crazy, I’d kill myself trying to decided out of those five which I like better.
- Some form of Mario game. Normally this is held my the original Yoshi’s Island as I feel it is the best 2D platformer ever made. However Mario Galaxy is shaping up to be the greatest 3D platformer ever made to date so now I’ll all conflicted.
- A Final Fantasy game. Either 4, 6, 12, or Tactics. This choice literally changes every day, but will always be one of those four.
- A Phoenix Wright game. Either the 1st one or the 3rd one. Right now I want to say the 3rd one but only because it builds so well from the 1st. … And the second one. Crap. They should just make one awesome compilation game that includes all three games so I don’t have to to choose.
- Streetfighter/Samurai Shodown. I will accept SF3 Third Strike, SF Alpha 3, SS2, or SS4. I love them all and cannot choose
- Metal Gear Solid. Either the original/Twin Snakes or MGS3 Snake Eater/Subsistence. I love the narrative, the story telling, the action yet stealth action, the 67 hour cut scenes, all of it. While I currently have no intentions of buying a PS3 if MGS 4 ends up never coming to 360 I’ll hunker down and buy one just for the next installment.
Honorable Mentions (I told you only picking 5 was hard!):
- Contra 4. While I’ve never been a huge Contra fan, a casual one at bes, I’m loving the mess out of this game. I am also very bad at it. But I don’t care.
- A shmup. These are like chocolate to me. I love them in almost any form and they are very bad for me (or rather I am very bad at them) but I play them anyway. Over half of my Virtual Console games on my Wii are shmups as well as most of the games I have downloaded via GameTap. Blazing Star, Twinkle Star Sprites, and Gates of Thunder currently top the list.
So there you have it. I guess that works. I’m sure I’ll have a different order when I wake up, but this seems pretty solid.
PS: Mista Elvis I finally got that whole thing with the writing bits fixed so you can check it out now. So can anyone else if they are so inclined.
Edit: ARGH I FORGOT BOMBERMAN! I LOVE BOMBERMAN! Yeah screw this whole Top 5 thing this sucks.
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