This weekend I’ll be heading out to the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, or you know, MTAC. As tends to happen nowadays, I’m running panels, and my usual three:
Even More Manga You Need to BUY RIGHT NOW (Friday 10 AM, Fan Panel 2) Manga, the world of Japanese comics. There used to be an absolute ton of these things on the market, but times are changing and not for the better. However, there are still a great many series and one shots that are being published today! And we are going to tell you all about them!
Engrish Jamboree (Friday, 3PM, Panel 2) Rs may not be Ls but when you are speaking English in Japanese the lures go light out the window! The Engrish Jamboree is what happens when you take one language and churn it through another language with hilarious results. Anime and Live-Action clips, music videos, if people are fumbling through English, we got it.
Getting Your Anime Groove Back (Saturday, 9PM, Panel 2) Anime burn out happens all the time. Sometimes life gets in the way and people lose interest in keeping up with the latest shows and news. This panel looks at a few shows that may rekindle that anime fan deep inside that just wants to be free again.
Of course, times for these things can always change.
I’m pretty sure that my ACTUAL description for the Engrish Jamboree is different, but the one I posted is the one I still have an archive for. It is also the description that got complaints sent to AWA for being too racist. I went ahead and made up a new one for MTAC, but came up with it on the fly in the submission form before saving it myself. Whooops!
EDIT: Nope never mind that is in fact the politically correct one I came up with.
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