Basil had panels at HAMA4
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
So this year, as has been the case for the past four years, I have ran panels at Hamacon. Since it’s the one con that has slowly conned (hurr hurr)…
This weekend I’ll be heading out to the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, or you know, MTAC. As tends to happen nowadays, I’m running panels, and my usual three: Even More…
Ok folks I always keep promising that I’ll list out everything I panel about at cons… then never do. Soooooo here they are~ I have a bunch of anime I…
AWA is always a panel-packed convention and this year doesn’t really change much! So you really have to think about what panels you want to prioritize going to. Now that…
Anime Fall 2010 Season Overview: There was a bunch of anime that aired this latest season, and some of it’s pretty darn good! Some of it, not so much. This…
Was a total blast. Finally actually met Gerald from AWO, met up again with Miko after missing each other for like, 3 cons straight, got to hear Dave Merrill tell…
Another year, another slew of cons! This year I’m starting early with Ohayocon! Since Nekocon in 2008 Emily DeJesus has bugging me to bring myself and fellow OSMites to Ohayocon…
So I guess this weekend is AWA! I’ll be running around like crazy! Hopefully, it’ll be fun! I’ll be in the Anime Podcasters Roundtable on Saturday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM,…
I know several of you on this here LJ Friends list thing have hopped onto the Twitter long before I did. What are y’alls names on it? You can follow…
So last year myself and intrepid podcast buddies went to MTAC last year, and it was a blast. This year, the OSMcast is again going to MTAC this year, but…