Odds and Ends
When I get the urge to write about things that may mean something to someone, somewhere. But probably not.
- Think you know VIZ? 1-18-2018
Viz changed their logo once and made a video about it, so I wrote a thing about it.
Stuff Basil Likes
Sometimes I like stuff. Sometimes, I also blog about liking stuff. Here’s that stuff.
Oddtype on Animefringe
For a short time I was gifted with the chance to work some amazing folks in Animefringe, which was possibly the best anime/manga/weeaboo webzine EVER. Why they let me in I have no clue, they even once let me do a mailbag which was something I always wanted a crack since the reading GamePlayers. Sadly after my third month there I became really ill, missed my deadline and was so embarrassed I never logged back on there ever again. But for those three months it was amazing. They closed down shop at the end of 2005, but you should really go and read the archives, it’s totally great. But since this all about me, I’ve linked the stuff I wrote below.
April 2004:
- “Full Metal Huh?!?”
Well Partially Metal just wouldn’t cut it!
May 2004:
- What if 4Kids Got Naruto?
Because trashing Slayers was just NOT ENOUGH!
June 2004:
- Late Night with Wufei
Hey if anyone could throw down as a late night talk show host…